Discover the most advanced listing and selling tool on Allegro, which has more than 20 million active users and 135,000 sellers.
You don't have to keep an eye on product stock and prices - our system will do it for you. Every time there is a transaction on Allegro, the system will automatically update the stock of the product in Droplo. If the product is sold in another sales channel, the system can reduce the number of listed products on Allegro, and in the case of the last item, even end the ongoing offer.
A modern and easy-to-use wizard will help you list your bids on Allegro in just a few steps. The tool will work perfectly, regardless of whether you are listing your first offer or you want to list several hundred offers at the same time.
With Droplo, you can list hundreds of listings on Allegro in bulk with just a few clicks.
Handle all your Allegro orders in one place - at Droplo.